Parents & Carers
We value the support of our parents/carers and want to work with you to create a positive learning experience for your child. This page offers lots of information and useful links which may be useful to you.
Please come and speak to us if there is any other information that you need.
Contacting Us
If you require any further information or have any questions, please contact the school using the details below, and we will be happy to help you. If you have any queries or require a document or form in a hard copy please contact Mrs Allison Munns using the contact details below.
The Avenue Infant School, The Avenue, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, NN8 4ET
Tel: 01933 276366
As a Community School, the school's admissions and appeal arrangements are managed by North Northamptonshire Council. For further information, see North Northamptonshire Admission Arrangements
At this school, the number to be admitted into Reception in September each year is 60. If more children than this want to be admitted, the Local Authority applies the over-subscription admission criteria.
For further information on applying for a school place, see Applying for a School Place.
Use the links for the Department of Education and the Ofsted School Data Dashboard to find out more information about education in general and our school more specifically.
We only accept high standards of behaviour at The Avenue Infant School, and bullying is not accepted, in any form. We want the children to enjoy their time here, feel safe, have fun and learn lots. We help everyone to get on with each other, and we believe everyone has the right to be who they are. We teach the children what bullying is, how to stop it and what to do if they are worried about themselves or anyone else being bullied.
Playtime Buddies
Our playtime buddies, the 'Be Friends Group' (BFGs) help everyone to have happy playtimes and lunchtimes. They wear reflective jackets so that they are easily identifiable to any children who need their help. They also check the friendship bench regularly to ensure that no-one on the playground is feels lonely or has no-one to play with.
Anti-Bullying Week
We recently held a school anti-bullying week. We talked to the children about bullying, and these are some of the things that they thought were bullying behaviours:
- Hurting someone's body or feelings
- Making fun of someone
- Leaving someone out
- Pulling faces
- Telling lies about someone
We know that these things are bullying if they happen Several Times on Purpose.
These are our ideas about how we can beat bullying:
- Tell an adult if you are worried about yourself or someone else
- Tell the bully to stop
- Look out for other people
- Make sure that we are treating others how we like to be treated ourselves.
'If you spot it, stop it!'
Find out more
For further information or support about bullying, use the links below:
Please remember that if you or your child is concerned about bullying, we are here to help. Speak to your child's class teacher or another member of staff.
We must all work together to stamp out bullying in all forms.
We expect high levels of attendance and punctuality from all children,and school attendance is a legal requirement. Poor attendance or punctuality may result in a referral to Education Inclusion and could potentially result in a fine, or even prosecution. We want to work closely together with you to avoid these lengths to ensure that your child has the best attendance possible.
Finding it difficult to get your child to school on time?
If you sometimes struggle with getting your child to school on time, or do they often complain feeling unwell often, but you are unsure if they are? If so, please come and speak to Mrs Fowle, Family Support Worker, who can offer some practical advice and support.
Does being late really matter? Yes really does!
Our days always start with a phonics lesson. If your child is even just 5 minutes late to school, they will have missed the new sound their group is learning. If your child is 5 minutes later every day, they will have missed vital knowledge and may find it hard to pick it up. If they are 10 minutes late they will have missed their sounds practice for the day.
School is open from 8.50am. Please ensure your child is in school by 9.00am
How good is your child’s attendance?
Every child's attendance is expected to be above 96%
For example, 1 days absence a week in a seven week term would mean an attendance rate of 86%.
90% attendance in a year means over 70 lessons have been missed.
Absent from school means absent from learning
Reporting your child's absence
We know some illness is unavoidable, but please ensure your child has the minimal amount of time off school. If your child does have to be absent, please remember to call the school to inform us by 9.30am at the very latest with a reason for absence. If we have not heard from parents/carers by 9.30am we will ring all contacts we have until contact is made.
To prevent the spread of vomiting and diarrhoea, children should not return to school until at least 48 hours/two whole days after any occurrence of vomiting and/or diarrhoea.
Statement of Leave of Absence
Please note that in accordance with changes in legislation from the Department for Education, from 1st September 2013 the Headteacher cannot grant any leave of absence, including holidays, during term time, unless there are exceptional circumstances such as illness or change in family circumstance.
Parent/carers who choose to take their children out of school for holiday during term-time should understand that this absence is almost certain to be coded as 'unauthorised' and that, ultimately, North Northamptonshire Council may enforce a fixed penalty notice should the circumstance warrant this. Please see North Northamptonshire Council for further details.
We ask that you notify us when children will be absent from school and for what reason, by completing the leave of absence form available from the office) and returning to school at least two weeks before the start of the absence.
At The Avenue Infant School our values of Respect, Confidence, Kindness, Responsibility and Perseverance are embedded through all aspects of school life. We believe that values are learnt through the way that adults and children respect and behave towards each other.
To achieve a positive atmosphere, we need shared values. We seek agreed standards of behaviour from staff, parents and pupils as stated in the Home-School Agreement.
Our rules are based on principles of respect and tolerance towards others, self-discipline, consistency and safety. The central aim of our behaviour policy is to promote, encourage and nurture good behaviours rather than just to punish unacceptable behaviours.
The school has agreed three Golden Rules which are underpinned by these values. Our Golden Rules are:
Be ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe
For further information, please see our Behaviour Policy
Golden Time
Pupils have Golden time on the last Friday of the term for demonstrating the three Golden Rules and celebrating the term's successes, Golden time is a whole afternoon of different activities that the children can choose to do in any of the classrooms.
Other rewards for following the three Golden Rules are:
- 100 ticks class awards
- Class toy to take home for visit
- Values tokens for showing Avenue Values
- Whole school value rewards
- Termly year group values winners - certificate
- Special Awards - in Celebration Assembly
- Year group awards:
- Reception - stickers and individual certificates home
- Year 1 - Star charts
- Year 2 - Avenue pounds to spend in the Avenue shop
Extra Curricular Activities and Clubs
As a school, we offer a range of extra curricular activities at different points in the year which children can take part in; these have included french, gymnastics, dance, drama, recorders, music, art and craft, gardening, yoga and singing. These change termly.
Please speak to the school office for more information about any of these clubs.
Creative Writing Club
Some children started a creative writing club today! We watched some autumn leaves and described their colour and how they moved and how they made us feel.
Cooking Club
Cooking Club the children had a brilliant time making potato owls! The children worked very hard to make their owls, we hope they enjoyed eating them too!
Gardening Club
Story Explorers
We had a lovely last session of story explorers. We read the story ‘Supertato’ and created our own Supertato characters.
Rock Steady
We regularly take photographs, and occasionally video, of the children at our school to celebrate their achievements in their learning, record special events and for use in the school prospectus, on the school website/ social media pages and on school displays. This is an essential and legitimate part of our public task, as a school, to educate your child and promote the school.
Below we outline the conditions of use which we adhere to. Conditions of use:
- The images we take will be of activities that show the school and children in a positive light (embarrassing or distressing images will not be used).
- We may use group or class photographs or footage with very general labels, e.g. science lesson.
- Only photographs used solely for assessment purposes within school will have any individual child’s name indicated.
- We will only use images of pupils who are suitably dressed.
- We will make every effort to ensure that we do not allow images to be taken of any children for whom we do not have permission or who are ‘at risk’ or disallowed from having their photograph taken for legal or social reasons.
- We will take all reasonable measures to ensure the images are used solely for the purposes for which they are intended. However, we cannot guarantee this and take no responsibility for the way images are used by other websites or publishers or for any consequences arising from publication.
Very occasionally, we may have special events which are photographed by an external organisation, which could be the media, who may take their own photographs or film footage which our children may appear in. The news media may use these images in printed publications, on televised news programmes or on their website. They then store them in their archives. They may also syndicate the photos to other media for possible use in either printed publications, on websites or both.
In any case where images are published externally (e.g. in the media or on social media), we have no control over when, where, if or how they will be used.
Please note that websites can be viewed throughout the world and not just in the United Kingdom where EU data protection law applies. Images may be used in printed and electronic form.
Please write to the school if there is any reason from a safeguarding perspective where your child may not be included. Please note that you may also write to the school if you would prefer for your child’s name (first name only) not to appear on school newsletters (links for these are published on social media).
Medical Provision and Illness
If your child is not well enough to be in school, please contact the school before 9am either by ringing the school and leaving a message or email
Please note that if your child has either diarrhoea and/or have been vomiting they cannot return to school until 48 hours after their last episode.
Adminstration of Medicines
School staff are only able to administer prescribed medicines in school. The medication must be prescribed for the named child, in the original packaging with the prescribing label and in date. You must complete a Request to Administer Medication form which you can get from the school office.
We are unable to administer unprescribed medicines such as calpol etc.However, parents/carers are welcome to come into school to administer medication to their child during the school day, except between 12 and 1pm.
How we Support Pupils with Medical Needs
The staff at The Avenue Infant School are committed to providing pupils with a high quality education whatever their health need, disability or individual circumstances. We believe that all pupils should have access to as much education as their particular medical condition allows, so that they maintain the momentum of their learning whether they are attending school or going through periods of treatment and recuperation. We promote inclusion and will make all reasonable adjustments to ensure that children and young people with a disability, health need or SEN are not discriminated against or treated less favourably than other pupils.
Our policy for Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions has been developed in line with the Department of Education's statutory guidance released in 2014 - 'Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions' - under a statutory duty from section 100 of the Children and Families Act 2014. The statutory duty came into force on 1st September 2014
Our policy can be found in the Policies section.
First Aid
Our first aid policy, procedures and guidelines is designed to promote the health, safety and welfare of our pupils and staff of The Avenue Infant School through the provision of first aid equipment and trained personnel in accordance with the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations, 1981
Our policy can be found in the Policies section.
Parent View
We regularly seek the views of all parents and carers whose children attend our school through online surveys sent out via email.
Ofsted's Parent View
Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about our school.
Parent View asks for your opinion on aspects of our school, from the quality of teaching, to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour. Ofsted use the information you provide when making decisions about which school to inspect, and when.
By sharing your view, you will be helping us to improve.
Story Massage
Last academic year, we launched Story Massage (peer-to-peer massage) sessions to great success. The teachers have been training on this fabulous programme. The programme was developed by Mary Atkinson (PGCE, MA) and Sandra Hooper (B Ed) and encompasses all ages and needs. More information and videos of sessions taking place are available at
For further information, see Peer Massage
If you have any questions regarding the programme, please speak to your child’s teacher or email
What is Story Massage?
This is a creative, interactive, and imaginative way of storytelling involving simple massage strokes. The children are taught ten simple massage strokes and they are matched to the story being told. The teacher leads the session by telling the story and demonstrating the strokes on another adult, a cuddly toy or their own hand. Adults will NEVER deliver the massage to pupils.
The idea is this is peer massage and part of the approach is that each session each child asks their partner for consent to do the massage.
All pupils have the right to refuse a massage and their permission must be gained before a massage can take place. The pupil’s response is always respected and they may opt out at any time if desired.
The gentle non-intrusive massage strokes can focus on the child’s shoulders, arms, hands, feet, back and head. The child remains fully clothed and there is no use of oils.
Children of all ages and abilities benefit immensely from this activity with improved calmness, concentration, and social skills, along with increased self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-esteem. Story
Massage also encourages children to contribute to their peer’s wellbeing. The sharing of positive touch through storytelling offers endless possibilities, including a reduction in stress and anxiety, positive effects on learning and supporting self-regulation and communication skills.
When does Story Massage take place?
The daily sessions will follow lunchtime and are anticipated to last no longer than five minutes, helping the children calm and regulate themselves ready for the afternoon’s learning. Previously, we found the sessions had a significant and positive impact on the children’s readiness to learn for the afternoon.
The Sharing Shed Food Bank
We are proud to offer our own small-scale food bank to support any of our families that are in need or at crisis point.The food bank is there to be used and there is no judgement to be made of anyone who uses the food bank.
We recognise that asking for help isn’t always easy, so we want to make this sensitive situation as stress-free and easily accessible as possible.
To get in touch regarding the foodbank, how to help, or how it can support your family, please speak to school office or your child’s class teacher or email
Opening TImes
The Sharing Shed will be open every morning before school and after school, the shed is located in our front playground. If you cannot access the shed during the open hours above, we can arrange a time for you to come into school during the day before 5pm or we can make up a parcel for you to collect if you prefer. Please contact the school office on 01933 276366 or email
If any families of our children who need a larger amount than is available in the shed to get in touch with the school office. We will sensitively judge their needs and make up parcels of essentials for them, as well as maybe helping them to access further support.
We are always grateful for any donations of non-perishable items to help stock our food bank. Donations can be handed in at the school office during the working day.
If you are able to support, the items we most need are:
- Tinned soup, tinned tomatoes, tinned vegetables, tinned meat
- Dried pasta/noodles/rice
- Tinned beans/spaghetti
- Tea/coffee/sugar
- Tinned fruit/tinned desserts/jam
- UHT milk Cereal
- Crisps
- Fruit cordial/squash
- Shower gel/shampoo/soap/toothpaste
- Baby wipes/baby food
- Toilet roll
- Cleaning products - washing up liquid, washing powder
We can only accept items that the use by date has not expired, best before dated items can be donated.
Please note we cannot provide perishable items due to storage
Transferring to Junior School
All pupils transfer from The Avenue Infant School to Junior School at the end of their Key Stage One education, at the end of Year Two.
Parents/carers of Year Two children must apply online for their child's junior school place. It is not an automatic process.
Park Junior School is our linked junior school, our pupils will have some priority within the over- subscription criteria for that school. You will still need to apply for a junior school place for your child - places are not allocated automatically.
For further information, please use the link below for details of how and when to apply.