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E Safety Questionnaire

e-Safety is about the protection of children whilst they are using the internet and digital technologies. This includes: risk-taking and inappropriate behaviour by children and young people; risks and inappropriate behaviour by others to children and young people; illegal activity.
Whilst our school strives to empower your children with the knowledge to stay safe, it is important that you have a good awareness of the risks and dangers yourself.
The results of this survey will give us a better understanding of any risks or knowledge gaps so that we can offer appropriate support across the school community. It will also help to shape our e-safety policy which is reviewed annually. Your responses will remain anonymous and individual responses will not be published publicly.
For further information or support please speak to Mrs Morrall.

Thank you for taking the time.

Which year group is your child in?*
How important do you feel that e-safety work is in terms of keeping your child safe? (5 is very important, 0 not important)*
In school
At home
Does your son/ daughter have access to the internet at home?*
If yes, which of the following devices do they use?
Do you know how to change the security and privacy settings on these devices?
Do you monitor or talk to your child about the programs and websites that they are accessing/ using?*
Do you/ would you allow your child to use a website/ social media platform/ video game/ film that has been certified for suitability for older children? e.g. an 18 certificate video game or Facebook when under 13*
How many hours per week on average does your child spend on the internet?
Do you set a time limit on use of devices for your child?*
Do you/ have you discussed safe internet use with your child?*
Do you/ have you talked about and set safe internet use rules?*
If your son/ daughter had a concern about something online do they know who they could talk to about it?*
If YOU have a concern about something that your child experiences online do you know who to speak to or how to report it?*
Currently the school offers annual e-safety training for parents as well as termly e-safety newsletters, regular updates through this area of the school website and free resources sent to parents such as the Digital Parenting Magazine and NSPCC resources. Is there any other support that the school could offer to you as a parent?*

Your time to complete this questionnaire and support of our e-safety work is appreciated by us. Thank you.