Autumn Term 1
September 2024
It has been a brilliant week getting to know Maple class. The children have had great fun sharing stories about their summer and getting to know their new class teacher and friends.
Cherry class have settled in really well into Year 1! We have had lots of fun in our learning and exploring time. We have been scientists, artists, problem solvers and mathematicians!
This week, Cherry class have had lots of fun in PE practising their one leg balance. We were pirates carrying treasure this week, and were seeing how much we could hold before we toppled over!
Maple class have had a busy week. Today we had our first dance lesson, and we really enjoyed creating shapes and sequences to the music.
In science, we have been testing the properties of different materials to discover which materials are absorbent.
October 2024
Cherry class have been really busy this week.
We have been making waterproof outfits for our furry friends using the best waterproof materials, we have also been experimenting which materials are magnetic out of wood, metal, plastic and fabric. We have been using our DT learning to build split pin animals and bears. We have been building houses for our characters in our new stories and have been thinking of adjectives to describe our characters feelings and actions.