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Autumn Term 1


September 2024

This afternoon, Hazel Class were exploring changing the shade and tone of paint. They used different amounts of white and black paint to change the shade and loved seeing the different colours they could make! 

This week in our Art lesson, Hazel class progressed onto exploring tone and shade with watercolours. We experimented with adding more water or using less water and the children loved seeing how much the colours changed! 

This morning, Hazel Class had a wonderful surprise in their English lesson! We read a new story all about a magic porridge pot and loved seeing our own porridge go everywhere! 

Hazel Class have had a busy week! In English we have learnt, acted out and sequenced our new story and in Art we experimented with line drawings in the style of Quentin Blake. I was so impressed with their fantastic drawings!


October 2024

This afternoon in Computing Hazel Class have been exploring a new style of digital art! We have learnt all about Piet Mondrian and his line drawings. We then used Purple Mash to create our own artwork! Maybe your child can create some more at home by logging into Purple Mash.

Beech class have had a wonderful couple of weeks exploring healthy lunch choices and learning about hygiene with our very sparkly hand washing experiment. We are very enthusiastic scientists!

Yesterday, in Science Hazel Class learnt all about keeping ourselves healthy by understanding how germs are spread. We did an experiment to see how far our glitter germs would travel when one person had them on their hands. We were shocked about how many germs spread around the classroom and between each other. We then explored the best method of cleaning our hands to ensure they stayed germ free.

On Monday, Hazel Class continued their Computing work on digital art by focussing on the artist William Morris. We explored different repeating patterns and enjoyed seeing the different pictures we could make!