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What we have been doing in previous years

Walk to School Week

School Council are celebrating Walk to School week, 15th - 19th May 2023. Each morning, two members of the School Council will be in the playground giving out stickers to those who have walked to school that morning.

Looking After Our Planet

School council are very concerned about our planet. They were thinking of different ways to help protect the environment. They decided to start in school, and they have made a poster for each classroom to remind children and adults how we can ALL help in school.

The school council have been very busy. They have researched different aspects of the environment, and they shared all of their findings in assembly.

They were very nervous about speaking in front of the whole school. However, they did an amazing job. Well done Avenue Council. 😀  

Collecting Old Pencils for Charity

The school council worked hard with Mrs Bolter to help develop links within our local community and are collecting unwanted new or used pencils, pens, coloured pencils, felt tips for a charity that is a family-run not-for-profit organisation that is focused on sending pens and pencils to children around the world who cannot afford such items.

School council members designed a poster which was sent home to every child in the school, and they organised a collection point in school.

School council have collected lots of pencils and pens, and they are wrapping them up and sending them to a charity called This charity helps give children opportunities to write using our unwanted stationery.🖍✏️🖊🖌



Carol Singing to our Local Community

Members of our School Council and children from Years 1 and 2 went to two local care homes this week, Wendleberrie House and Park House Care Home, to sing carols to the residents. 🎅

We have been spreading the Christmas joy to the local neighbours around The Avenue by singing Christmas carols.

Making and Delivering Christmas Cards to Our Local Community

The School Council has been so busy making Christmas cards for the residents that on The Avenue, they have spent several weeks designing, writing and making Christmas cards. 

We have delivered their hand-made Christmas cards to our local residents. We have received some lovely messages and cards back.

"Please thank the children who made and delivered a Christmas card to us in The Avenue. The card was bright and fun and the best we have received this year. It was a very thoughtful gesture and cheered us up no end!  Sending best wishes to all the children and staff."

"We received a lovely Christmas card through our letterbox, thank you for the card and sharing some Christmas joy! It made us smile. This card displayed above our fireplace.  Once again thank you for being so kind!"

Sports Day

School council have been busy this afternoon helping organise objectives for sports day. 

Community and Family Fun Morning

Our School Council invite you and your family to our Community and Family Fun Morning on Saturday 17th June from 10am -12 noon 2023.

Visiting a Local Nursery

We had a great morning visiting a local nursery. They made the Avenue very proud by sharing stories and helping the children at the nursery with the activities. 


School Council Newsletter

The School Council made and delivered their newsletter to the residents who live along The Avenue. We had lots of lovely chats and particularly enjoyed observing the frogs and hedgehog homes that a resident shared with us.🦔🐸

Online Safety Group

Mr Pell met with the School Council today as our new Online Safety Group. We have lots of conversations around how we use the internet at home and how we stay safe online. The children have decided to make online safety posters to put up around the school, and we cannot wait to see them.

British Values Assesmbly

This term we learnt all about British Values and how they relate to our life in school. We learnt a new value each week. We then introduced this value to our class. They  planned and delivered an assembly about British Values. Each member of the council spoke and shared their knowledge and experience this term of all the values.

School council members introduced the concept to each classroom and counted up all the votes. Each class had to make a decision of having 20 minutes of golden time each week, or a whole afternoon of different activities on the last Friday of every term. The overall decision from voting was to have a bigger, more exciting golden time once each term. 

School council made up a series of 'rules and false rules'. They shared these with each class and asked them questions about rules, and they strengthened their classmates' understanding of the 'rule of law'.